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Scroll down for our address, map and directions.

Find Us

We are located at 11 Miller Street, Somerville, MA 02143, adjacent to the Star Market on Beacon Street, a ten-minute walk from Porter Square. For detailed directions, please see the map below or click here for a larger map.


Directions by T

The closest T stop is Porter Square on the red line.

Directions by bus

Both the 83 and the 87 stop on Somerville Ave. The best stop is the Somerville Ave. and Sacramento stop. To get to the building, take the walkway under the train tracks and turn right onto Miller St.

Parking Information for Open Studios

Our Friday night event has proven so popular that parking can be difficult. We have taken steps to alleviate the problem.

There are a limited number of spaces available in our parking lot and along the side of our building on Miller Street. We ask that you respect our neighbors and avoid parking in the permit spaces on Miller Street. You can also park in the following places:

  • On Beacon Street

  • In the lot of Century Tire on Beacon Street next to the Star Market (Friday night only)

  • In any space around the perimeter of the Star Market lot, with your open studios invitation displayed in your car window. ONLY the perimeter spaces are allowed for our use and again Friday night only. Cars parked at other times or in other spaces, or without the invitation displayed may be towed.

Our thanks to Star Market and Century Tire for their generosity.

On Saturday, please use our lot, the spaces along the side of the building and spaces on Beacon Street only. You may also find on-street parking on Somerville Ave., and take the pedestrian tunnel under the railroad tracks at Sacramento street to our building.